What is the Education Tax Credit and Education Subtraction?

If you buy school supplies such as pencils, notebooks, and/or computers for your children, you may qualify for one or both K–12 Education Subtraction and K–12 Education Credit. 

  • The credit reduces your state income tax or increases your refund.  
  • The subtraction lets you reduce your state income tax. 

Who qualifies for the credit? 

To qualify for either the credit or subtraction, both must be true: 

▪ You purchased educational services or materials to assist with your child’s education. 

▪ Your child is attending kindergarten through 12th grade at a public, private, or home school in Minnesota. 

To qualify for the credit, your income must be below a certain amount based on the number of children in your household. See the table below: 

Number of qualifying children in K-12:  Adjusted gross income must be less than: 
1 or 2  $76,000 
3  $79,000 
More than 3  $79,000 plus $3,000 for each additional child


How do I receive the benefit? 

The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers free tax preparation for those who qualify. Learn more at Free Tax Preparation Sites | Minnesota Department of Revenue (state.mn.us) 

If you don’t qualify for free preparation but are considering hiring a professional tax preparer to help file your tax return, the Minnesota Department of Revenue provides a helpful guide on finding one with the knowledge to prepare your returns correctly: 

How to Select a Tax Preparer - English.pdf (state.mn.us)  

Eligiendo un Preparador de Impuesto