This page is intended for parishes and stakeholders in the promotion of the Child Tax Credit, Working Family Credit, and the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. The toolkit includes posters, social media graphics, videos, handouts, and more.   

Posters & Social Media Graphics







Flyers and Handouts


Access the PDF version here. 

English - Child Tax Credit & Working Family Credit Handout

Spanish - Crédito Fiscal por Hijos de Minnesota: ¡Para ayudar a las familias y a los niños! 

English - K-12 Education Credit & Subtraction Handout 

Spanish - Guarde los recibos de los gastos de educación de su hijo

Additional Resources

English - How to Select a Tax Preparer

Spanish - Eligiendo un Preparador de Impuestos

Free Tax Preparation Sites | Minnesota Department of Revenue